It’s been awhile since I wrote anything in English here on the blog, guess I’ve been lazy…
I’m justhome after two fantastic weeks in Mallorca with lots and lots of training, myform is steadily pointing upward and I’m really looking forward to start theseason.
Easter iscoming up so tomorrow I’ll head home to Norrköping. I’m looking forward to gethome for a week, it’s been long time since I was home. I’m sure time will flyby but I’ll get to spend time with family and friends and do a bit of trainingso it will be very nice!
Thisafternoon I was out on this year’s first ride on my road bike with Hannes,clear blue sky, sunshine and 5 degrees plus was just perfect. After an hour onthe bike I got in to the gym for some weight lifting. Feeling strong.
Tonight I’vebeen studying and once again packed my bag.
Over andout.
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